Before I had JustaBXgirl it was normal for me to get a call from friends saying they found cheap airfare somewhere and we were going out of town. That’s how I ended up at Busch Gardens one random weekend in September 2008. I remember having...
If you know anything about me then you know I love all things Disney. I’ve been taking JustaBXgirl to the happiest place on Earth since she turned one. We normally only visit Magic Kingdom and Disney Springs but this year JustaBXgirl...
I didn’t get on a plane until I was 21 years old. JustaBXgirl got on a plane when she was 4 months old. Even though I’ve only been traveling for the past seventeen years I have had some really great experiences in a number of different...
The summer is ending and JustaBXgirl starts school in a few weeks. I don’t think she’s thought about what the transition means much but trust me I have. One of the things I’m going to miss the most about her not being in school...