Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Yup, just another day in the BX. That is if you decide to visit The Bronx Zoo, like we do almost weekly during the warm months. I’ve had a family membership since JustaBXgirl was six months old. Yup, I know littles under 3 don’t pay but you have to remember I always have a nephew or niece or godchild around so those individual tickets add up. JustaBXgirl loves animals. She also can tell you interesting facts about them. I give most of the credit to our zoo visits, Octonauts and Wild Kratts.
Now that NYC weather has finally decided to embrace Spring we have already visited The Bronx Zoo and The Central Park Children’s Zoo. Did I mention my membership gets me access to all of the NYC zoos and the Aquarium? Yup, honestly though in the years I’ve had the membership I’ve never made it to the Queens or Prospect Park zoos. Someone that has gone please leave me a comment telling me if I’m missing anything. We do at least once a year take the loooooong trek out to the aquarium. I really cannot wait until they finish the expansion happening out there.

If you haven’t been to The Bronx Zoo yet this year let me tell you what to expect. They have changed the 4D movie. Now some of you might be saying, it’s about time. Then there are those of you like me and my zoo crew. We know that our littles love Rio. And more than just loving the 20 minute version of Rio they love the effects. They love the bubbles and being sprayed in the face by watermelon and who doesn’t love getting “pooped” on by evil bird Nigel? Alas, there will be no more of that!!! And even as a member I wasn’t made aware. You would think the changing of the film would warrant mention in a newsletter or email. The current film is Wild Survivors, Animals in 4D. It was a cool documentary and even made me and my 7 year old nephew jump a bit but it was no Rio. And to top it off something in the film caused out 3D glasses to stop working about halfway through the film. I hope it was a fluke as staff members were unaware when myself and some others mentioned it to them.

The full Children’s Zoo and the Monorail will be open the last weekend in May. If you’re like me though you avoid the Children’s Zoo. Why, you ask? I’m completely not into the petting zoo aspect. The giant nests, he giant spider web, the tree slide and all of the other fun interactive things are great (if not always a bit crowded for my taste) but the feeding zoo part is just too much. Besides the fact that I think it stinks and there are always children wandering around unattended I just can’t stop thinking of the animal and children cooties that are in that area. It’s the germaphobe in me. I know the kids love it. They really do. And if you’ve never been you really should go. It is probably the best children’s zoo I’ve ever visited. I just do my best not to visit it too often.

The Monorail however is perfect for the tired parent. It gives us a chance to sit down (and forces our children to do so as well). You also get to learn about the animals you see along the trail. I also make sure to visit is the Bug Carousel and the Butterfly Garden. This year they’re asking us to check strollers before entering the Butterfly Garden which I think is a great idea. The littles never get bored of the butterflies, koi fish or taking photos as butterflies and bees. I really hope they set up the little garden area near the Mouse House again and do activities there. It might have been two summers ago now that JustaBXgirl learned about pollination and the lesson has stood with her.

And no zoo visit is complete without visiting the gorillas, sea lions and having some dippin’ dots. I think they might have raised the price of the dippin dots sundae this year but it’s still the most cost effective option. If you live in the city I really suggest getting the membership. Adult tickets are somewhere around $37 and children’s tickets are around $27. Family membership is around $200. And if you’re not sure the zoo is for you they do have a free day. When I was a child we always went on the free day. It’s every Wednesday. Just be prepared for crowds. Since we have a membership I avoid Wednesdays. No shade because like I said growing up I only went on Wednesdays and I loved it. I’ve just seen how packed the parking lots are on Wednesdays (parking isn’t free) and it looks insane. Oh, parking for The Bronx Zoo and Aquarium is included with membership.

I promise I do take photos of the animals too! Maybe next time I write about the Bronx Zoo I’ll share some of our favorite animal pictures. Disclaimer: Be prepared for lots of sea lion photos!!!