Let me share something that might surprise you, JustaBXgirl is a BIG Teen Titans Go! fan. Yup, my girly girl. My documentary lover. My all things sparkles and glitter. My little that thinks shut up and stupid are bad words really enjoys watching Teen Titans Go! and I allow it. I can admit that Teen Titans Go! slipped by mom mommy monitoring but I’m happy it did. Once I realized that JustaBXgrandpa had been letting my little watch the show with her cousins I was a bit perturbed. At the time, all I knew about the show was that it used crude humor and language and was based on some DC characters.
I realized that I would be the mean mom if I told her she couldn’t watch the show anymore so I decided to watch it with her to point out reasons why it wasn’t our type of show. I was quickly converted. Yes, they do use humor and language that will make children laugh and some adults wince but they also teach good lessons. Most of the episodes end up having an inner message on the importance of teamwork, family and supporting friends. They also teach littles that we don’t have to look the same, act the same or be from the same place to be there for one another.
Suffice to say when she found out that there was a movie coming out JustaBXgirl informed me that we would be seeing it. Then we got an invite to see it early out in East Hampton and I thought it would be the perfect family outing with my cousin and her family but we had to come back into the City the day before!!! That made me sad because I thought we would have to wait for opening day and have to hear about the fun from my cousin and her family that still got to attend the East Hampton screening.
Then, we got invited by The Moms to a Manhattan screening and I did a happy dance, even though it meant JustaBXgirl would miss a swim class. Want to know the coolest part??? Will Arnett was at both screenings! Yup. Did you know that he produced the movie? And stars in it as Slade, the villain! He even did the Batman voice for us during his interview with The Moms. You can catch some of the interview on my IGTV right here.
I know, you came here to read about the movie and I’m rambling about everything but! If you watch the show you will LOVE the movie. I can say the only thing that was an issue for us it that one of the talking points of the film is that Robin is told that without an arch enemy he cannot be a true hero nor can he get a movie. JustaBXgirl got very bothered by this during our screening because she said that the Teens Titans do have archenemies, The H.I.V.E. Personally, I haven’t watched enough episodes to know who The H.I.V.E are but my little was very upset that their role in antagonizing the Teen Titans was overlooked.
Other then that she loved the movie and she got passed it after I told her she could tell me all about The H.I.V.E. when we got home. You already know that my reviews are limited on spoilers but this movie is difficult to talk about without a few so proceed with caution!
First of all the mecca of all spoilers is one that you probably have already heard about…there is a cameo from STAN LEE in this film! Yup, you didn’t read that wrong. Mr. Marvel Universe himself can be found in this DC Universe film. I think that alone is a reason to go see it. There are also a bunc of jokes and sightings that are meant for us parents but in a child-safe way. There’s a hat tip to Back To The Future. There’s mention of Deadpool. There are even some TMNT references which I think is so great since Mr. Arnett lived in that world too.
The main premise is that Robin wanted to get his own superhero movie. The film shows us the lengths he is willing to go through to get his wish. It goes back to what I shared earlier. I think at the end of it all the Teen Titans do a great job of reminding us what is or should be truly important. The path to get there might not always be the one I prefer them taking is all. The film can also be a great place to discuss the quest for fame with our littles. We live in an age where children play Youtube. Our babies want to be famous in a way that is different than how we used to sing into a hair brush in front of the mirror. I like how this movie shows us that there can be fallout from the quest of fame. It also reminds us that we ALL can be sucked in when we follow the latest fads.
I’m telling you when you get by their rough edges the Teen Titans are deep. Another thing I liked about the movie is that I felt like I was watching the show. Not sure if that translates correctly but you know how sometimes cartoons do a movie special and it feels different? It feels somehow disconnected from the cartoon? Not this. This felt like I could have switched on my TV and been watching an espisode just longer and without commercials. That was comforting.
I would love to hear your thoughts after seeing the movie. Come back and share your favorite part. Mine was when they were fighting the giant ballon villain. When you see the movie you’ll know why. I’m sitting her e cracking up just thinking about it!