I’m interrupting my regularly scheduled posting for something that I think is more important than an event recap or a gift guide. Don’t worry, those will be back tomorrow, okay, probably on Thursday because I won’t have much time to finish the drafts tonight. Seriously though, I won’t sit here and tell you that you have to vote. I won’t share all the things that you can read in the news that I hope make you want to see a change and start that change by casting a ballot. I will say though that I hope you choose to vote.
Voting is personal. It might not seem that way if you take a look at social media but it is very personal. We can get caught up in political arguments and scare tactics. We can believe one party is the devil and the other is the savior. We can believe that one vote doesn’t really matter. The thing is though that all of that can be true. Or all of that can be a lie we’ve been spoonfed. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that if you are eligible to vote you are given a gift.
So many people past, present and future have and will wish for the ability to cast their vote. So what. I know. I started this by saying voting is personal. Now, I’m here trying to guilt you into going to the polls because someone, somewhere can’t vote. Next, I’ll probably be telling you who you should vote for! Nope, I won’t do that. I mean, if you follow me on social media then I’m sure you can guess where my alliances lie. The thing is, I don’t care where yours do. Yes, I would love for us to all value the same issues and fight for the same causes. It would make life a lot easier.
We live in an amazing country though that doesn’t force us all to swallow the same pill. At least not yet! Sorry, there went my view trying to sneak in. Seriously though, we live in a land that says we can vote according to who and what we believe in. I really hope that you use your freedom and ability to cast a vote today.
I’m going to stop typing here because it is getting harder to ask you to go make your voice heard within pushing my own agenda but again your vote is yours. Over 90 million eligible voters chose not to vote in the 2016 election. Voting is personal. I’m sure eacho of those people had a personal reason for choosing not to vote. The thing is it is personal. When you cast your vote you get the chance to take a stand. When you cast the vote you should think about the person you’re voting for. Think about them as if they are someone you know because based on their track record you do know them. Are they honest? Have they shown you that they have your back? Have they kept their word? Do they grow kindness? Do they make the world a better place?