It took me a long time to let go of the mom guilt that comes with going out without JustaBXgirl but I have finally come to terms with the fact that mama deserves some fun that isn’t always necessarily G-Rated. With my #FairyTale40th quickly approaching this mama is leaving all that guilt in the previous decade and heading out for fun with my friends, guilt free!!!
One of these recent guilt-free nights I was able to grab a friend and head out to see Pretty Woman The Musical. Is there a more fitting show for my #Fairytale40th? The movie came out in 1990. I was eleven years old and had no business seeing the movie, come to think about it. Yet, I did see it and it quickly became one of my favorite movies and still is. That means that the musical had very big shoes to fill. I had heard great things about the show but that just made me pushback a little harder. My friend that went with me and I discussed our expectations over drinks before the show. We both said we knew it would be good because the story itself was good but we weren’t sure if it could hold a candle to the movie.
Spoiler alert: It did. I was impressed with how quickly the actors were able to become the characters in my head. I stopped trying to compare them to Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, and Hector Elizondo and saw them as Vivian, Edward, and Barney Thompson. That in itself is major. These roles were originated by amazing actors and they are being represented superbly on Broadway.
I really adored that while the actors were able to command the characters with their performances the wardrobe department did such a fabulous job creating looks that paid homage to the original while still making original choices that fit the actors and their portrayals of the characters superbly. If you have seen the movie a million times or have never before heard of Pretty Woman, (are you from Mars?), you will enjoy Pretty Woman: The Musical. So, next time you’re ready to leave the littles at home, grab a friend or a date and check it out for yourself. Don’t forget to use the Ticketmaster discount code Mom1. The code is good until September 1st.
And is for some reason you don’t remember the premise of the story here you go:
Once upon a time in the late ’80s, unlikely soulmates Vivian and Edward overcame all odds to find each other… and themselves. Experience the moments you love from the movie — and get to know these iconic characters in a whole new way — in this dazzlingly theatrical take on a love story for the ages. Brought to life by a powerhouse creative team representing the best of music, Hollywood and Broadway, Pretty Woman: The Musical will lift your spirits and light up your heart.