Have I bragged that JustaBXgirl has made it to being a Level H reader? Yup, my baby is reading!!! It is funny though because she fights with me to read because she would rather me read to her. I won’t lie, I enjoy reading to her. I love our quiet time reading together. I love watching her face when something exciting is about to happen in the story. I love when she asks me how do I make my “reading voice. Do you have a reading voice?
I do however love this new phase that we are in where she can read independently and I can spend some time catching up on my own reading. Children learn what they live so I am doing my best to model what I want for her. I want her to love reading as much as I do. I met some of my best friends in books and I’m looking forward to the days she feels the same. We are getting ready for Dress Up Like Your Favorite Book Character Day at school and JustaBXgirl has decided to dress up like Hermione Granger.
Anyway, here is our bookshelf for the month. Check these out of the library, on Amazon or take a trip to The Lit Bar to pick these up and tell us which is your favorite!
Kids Shelf
Love The Fur You’re In – Sesame Street has helped raise not only our children but many of us as well. This is just a way that they keep those lessons going and sharing them with our littles. I added this to the kids’ shelf but it really could be on the adult one as well. It is a beautiful book that would make a great gift for graduation or just because. In all honesty, Sesame Street isn’t JustaBXgirl’s favorite brand but when I pulled this book out she sat right with me and read along. We took turns checking out the beautiful illustrations and the sound advice!
Bigfoot Activity Book – This book is perfect to take along on road trips and plane rides. We all know that littles attention spans are kind of short. I mean, my attention span isn’t that long either but this book will keep them busy for a while because it offers different types of activities including word puzzles, mazes, and coloring. Come to think about it this book would have been perfect for the avoid the summer slide post I will be sharing with you next month! It is just the thing that can be considered sneaky educational! It will be out just in time for summer break as it is being released in June.
The Dolphin’s Secret – JustaBXgirl meditates in school daily and I am grateful that they are introducing her to the process of meditation because as an adult I still have not gotten the hang of it. I also know that every school doesn’t do this so I am happy to share this book because it is a way for parents to introduce meditation at home. Our littles live in a world of constant stimulation so teaching them tools to help unplug and unwind are great resources. This book for us is a great compliment to what she is already learning since JustaBXgirl loves sea creatures. The story weaves in mindfulness techniques of Yoga Nidra, an ancient form of meditation, which will help children have a direct experience of peace and relaxation
What Will You Do My Deer – We love when new Kathryn Hast books come out. I’m always impressed that JustaBXgirl recognizes Kathryn’s work. This is another book that would be perfect for graduations. I really loved how it offers so many different options to littles on what they can be and then reminds them that whatever they choose they will be accepted!
Whizzy Willow’s First Day At School – I know it is the end of the school year but this is a cute read to remind our littles that there is always an adventure to be had. Whizzy’s first day isn’t perfect but he finds ways to have fun and make friends along the way. If you have a little going to camp for the first time or even starting a new school next year it is a sweet read. Also, it is a way to remind our littles that someone else might be having a hard time so it is great if they can be helpful.
Adult Shelf
Little Lovely Things – I think it took me three days of commuting to finish reading this. I was on the edge of my seat as I was turning the pages. This book made me cry. It made me anxious wanting to get to the next page and worrying about what would come next. It is definitely a book that will make you go through all of the emotions and hug your babies tighter.
Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls – Between 2009 and 2014 certain facets of anxiety in girls rose 55 percent. Being the mother of a girl, this statistic hits me hard. I look at how my child already puts pressure on herself and it concerns me about what is to come. I was here for this book literally from day one. The dedication says, “For my daughters, and yours.” I am taking this book as a manual for helping with JustaBXgirl and myself.