I have been mixing games and toys in my monthly Toy School post for the past few months. Mixing became how I shared products that might not look educational at first glance but upon closer look held lots of educational value. I plan to do that again in the future.
The thing is, over the last few months I have received so many really fantastic games that by only including one or so in each post the others have been sitting on the bench awaiting their turn. Today is that turn. This post is nothing but GAMES. Yup, we are going full gameschooling and have something for everyone and every age.

What’s In Ned’s Head? – JustaBXgirl had wanted this game since she saw it years ago on The Engineering Family. It is so much fun and doesn’t take too long to play. And yes, it is educational. It is great for ages 4 and up and can be used for a number of learning lessons. You can use it for occupational therapy so that littles can feel around and grab the items. Also, the blank cards can be used to write words on and have the littles read them and find the items.

Mastermind – This is perfect for the little spies in training. It is great for practicing deduction skills and reasoning. I had never played it as a child but am loving it as a mom. JustaBXgirl insists on being the codemaker most of the time but we take time to discuss how I did or did not figure out her code.

Greedy Granny – We have featured this game before. When we first featured it was just about the fun. Now it’s fun and learning. My mom is a three times stroke survivor. It’s difficult for her to play a lot of games with JustaBXgirl but this one is one of their favorites together. It’s about taking your time while being quick. I love the laughter that happens when Greedy Granny wakes up.

Sequence Classic – I have always loved this game. I think it is a wonderful game of numbers, logic and strategy. It is perfect for the entire family from little to grown. Your littles will learn number recognition while the olders will be all about the blocking and strategizing their wins.

Rumikub – Here is another oldie but goodie. These games are perfect to include the entire family. This one is also good for number recognition, matching and strategizing. Can you figure out how to score more points than your family members?

Power Haus – I’m sure that you’ve seen how much fun we had with this during our Earth Day celebrations. It is a great way to get littles thinking of conservation and maybe getting them to turn the lights off when they leave a room. It also is great for math and decision making skills.

Recycle Rally – This is another favorite from Earth Day. We play these games regularly. This one is great to help introduce recycling to your family or reinforce it. It is another secret math game because it is all about the points.

Wild Kratts Pop ‘N” Race – We love all things Wild Kratts. Most of my animal knowledge comes from years of watching them with JustaBXgirl. This game is a great brain break when discussing different animal habitats. They can take a break and try to get their animals (game pegs) home to their habitat first. After the game you can go back to studying the different types of habitats.

Don’t Drop The Meatballs – This game and the next are all about balancing. While the littles are busy laughing at how hard it can be not to drop the meatballs, you can be laughing knowing that they are developing strategies and getting schooled in balance.

Topple – Okay, so I know we just talked about balance and strategies but how could I not include Topple??? I absolutely adored playing this game as a child. While learning about balance they will also be learning about math, building and spatial concepts. And you will get to revisit the fun of being a little.

Dawn Under – JustaBXgirl is usually very hit or miss when it comes to memory games. They are much more my type of thing than hers. This however had her written all over it. She loved the concept and considered it more of a mystery game then a memory one. She was on the hunt for rats as she attempted to avoid the garlic and put her vampires to bed. It is great for color recognition and memory skills.