Whoa! I bet you thought I wasn’t going to make it with this month’s Watchlist. I mean, I am cutting it close but there’s no way that I could let the month go by and not share all of the things we were watching. I’m sure that you are already checking out or have checked these out but if you haven’t go watch them. Then come back here so we can discuss your thoughts.

The Garcias – Do you remember the Brothers Garcia? Did you know that it was the first English-language sitcom to have an all Latino cast and creative team? Six of the original cast members are back in this reboot on HBOMax. The reboot finds the family on summer vacation at their fancy beach home.

Polly Pocket- Season 4 of Polly Pocket is a Summer of Adventure. Polly and her friends are on summer break so it is the perfect time for them to check out just what kind of adventures they find with the help of Polly’s magic locket.

Barbie: It Takes Two – When we saw Malibu and Brooklyn team up in Big City, Big Dreams we knew we wanted more of them. Now they have their own show! JustaBXgirl was super excited about seeing what happened to the two Barbies once the film ended. She finished the first 13 episodes and is now impatiently waiting for more episodes to be released this fall.

Turning Red – You already know we love this movie because I shared about it last month. I’m talking about it again because you might not know that it is now available on Digital and will be released on 4K, Blu-ray, and DVD on May 3rd.

Bel-Air – I know everything old seems to be making a return and sometimes those returns need to be returned. Trust me, this show is not in that category. Bel-Air is a reboot only in the sense that we know the main plot and the characters. Everything else about this is BRAND NEW. They did not try to recreate the magic of one of our most loved sitcoms. The creators of this show came with something brand new, full of modern drama, and on time. You will fall in love with each character and also be completely frustrated with each character, sometimes in the same episode! The actors truly become their characters. This is one you don’t want to miss.

Polar Bear – JustaBXgirl and I usually watch a Disneynature film for Mother’s Day. When we learned that Polar Bear was being released on Earth Day we debated waiting. We didn’t wait. How better to celebrate Earth Day than by checking out a film about some of JustaBXgirl’s favorite creatures. Yup, in case you didn’t know, polar bears are in her top ten favorite living creatures. They actually might rate higher than humans. As always, Disneynature has me in tears. They do such an amazing job of narrating the story. This one was great. It was the tale of a mother’s love and life lessons bestowed upon her daughter. It reminded me of all we inherit and then pass on to our children. It also should be a true wake-up call for how much the climate is shifting and how we need to do something before there is nothing left to leave for the next generation. If you want to learn more about these beautiful beasts check out https://polarbearsinternational.org/disneynature/. There’s even a polar bear tracker.